7 Tools to Ward Off any Bad Vibes

7 Tools to Ward Off any Bad Vibes

  Negativity can sneak into our lives like very easily and it takes discipline to ward off these vibes and replace them with GOOD VIBES. This is not about creating spells as that is whole realm of expertise, a little like a master chef. With that in mind, here...
Weekly Kundalini Yoga Classes – Coorparoo

Weekly Kundalini Yoga Classes – Coorparoo

Come and experience the life changing practice of Kundalini Yoga. Classes currently running at Coorparoo every Tuesday and Online every Thursday. Suitable for all levels and beginners. $15 drop in or $130 for 10 class pass. Bookings Every Tuesday evening at 7:20pm...
What are the 8 Stages of Yoga Nidra?

What are the 8 Stages of Yoga Nidra?

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”.  Albert Einstein Our numerous thoughts and emotions from day-to-day activities tend to remain occupied in our minds. Commonly, we remain stressed out with our unresolved...
Find courage with Archer Pose

Find courage with Archer Pose

Kundalini yoga doesn’t change who we are. Instead, it helps us to become our true selves. The process of living authentically and embracing who we really are requires strength, courage, and determination. If you are feeling afraid or fearful lately, try Archer Pose to...
Yoga for people with cancer

Yoga for people with cancer

There has been a lot of articles published about  the effectiveness of yoga combined with treatments to help cancer patients in spiritual, physical and emotional ways. Medical research has proven benefits include reducing stress, improvement in sleep, and improve the...
Pranayama benefits for physical and emotional health

Pranayama benefits for physical and emotional health

When it comes to coping with stress overload, your breath is one of the best remedies there is—and it’s free! Richard Rosen Most of us experience depression, anxiety, fear at some point in our lives, and we all know what it’s like to be exhausted....